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    गर्मी के मौसम में गर्म गर्म चाय किडनी रोग में कैसी है?...

    You are welcome on our youtube channel, kidney treatment without dialysis,...

    • nehakarma

    PCOD पीड़ित लड़की माँ कैसे बने | Mensuration problem | Ir...

    In today's program, we will learn about PCOS. You will get answers to thos...

    • nehakarma

    Creatinine kya hota hai | creatinine ko kam kaise kare...

    Today we will tell you what is #creatinine and how is it for the kidney? Bu...

    • nehakarma

    ये नमक खाये किडनी रोगी | Best Salt for Kidney Failure P...

    No matter how many spices you put in the food, the real taste of the food w...

    • nehakarma

    सफेद मूसली के फायदे किडनी स्वस्थ रखने के लिए | Safed Mu...

    Hello, welcome to our youtube channel, kidney treatment without dialysis, w...

    • nehakarma

    kapalbhati Pranayama ke fayde | ये योगासन करे किडनी फेल...

    Today we will talk in front of you about #Kapalbhati_Pranayama The basic pr...

    • nehakarma

    बारिश में जोड़ो में दर्द इस बीमारी की दस्तक | Uric acid...

    Hello and welcome to our show AROGYA. A show where we ask questions related...

    • nehakarma

    कच्ची हल्दी के 5 फायदे किडनी रोग में Haldi ke fayde | B...

    Today we will inform you how beneficial turmeric is for a kidney in our cha...

    • nehakarma

    लाखो फायदे है इस फल के लेकिन किडनी रोगी नहीं खाये | Lit...

    As soon as the summer season comes, there is a decrease in the options of f...

    • nehakarma

    kidney rogi ko kya khana chahiye | किडनी रोगी को क्या ख...

    Let's talk about their daily diet, but let us tell you that apart from all...

    • nehakarma

    100% किडनी स्वस्थ रखने के घरेलु उपाय | Home Remedies to...

    Today, we will inform you about some home remedies to keep kidneys healthy...

    • nehakarma

    सेहत का खजाना खजूर क्यों ना खाये किडनी रोगी | Dry Fruit...

    Dates are sweet, which are very tasty to eat, and have many properties that...

    • nehakarma

    #talkshow Arogya Episode 1 | जीवनभर किडनी स्वस्थ रखने क...

    Hello and welcome to our show AROGYA. A show where we ask questions related...

    • nehakarma