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joined at 2 years ago

    ठण्ड में इन बातो का ध्यान रखे किडनी रोगी | Winter Tips...

    Today we will tell you what things a kidney patient should take care of dur...

    • nehakarma

    Tomato for kidney patients | kidney rogi ko kya nahi kh...

    Indian kitchen is considered incomplete without tomato… Its role in vegetab...

    • nehakarma

    पानी से भरी मूली बचाएगी किडनी ख़राब होने से | Radish for...

    Hello, welcome to our YouTube channel named kidney treatment without dialys...

    • nehakarma

    सब्ज़ियों का राजा आलू के फायदे किडनी के लिए | Benefit of...

    Potato is one such vegetable that is commonly found in every household. If...

    • nehakarma

    पेशाब में प्रोटीन आना रोके ये डाइट फॉलो करे | Diet for...

    What should kidney patients eat in High Proteinuria? Hello, welcome to our...

    • nehakarma

    क्रिएटिनिन हुआ बिलकुल नार्मल 1.06 | How to Reduce Creat...

    Hello and welcome to our channel, Karma ayurveda where we give you signific...

    • nehakarma

    ये अनाज बना किडनी रोगी का दुश्मन | What Foods are bad f...

    Kidney patients are always given their diet according to their reports. Som...

    • nehakarma

    किडनी को मजबूत बनाने के 5 RIGHT Rules | How to Keep You...

    Hello and welcome to our youtube channel Dr. Puneet Kidney specialist, wher...

    • nehakarma

    Best Fruit Diet for Kidney Patients | इस फल से करे किडन...

    Hello friends, Once again, welcome to our YouTube channel, kidney treatment...

    • nehakarma

    बेकिंग सोडा से करे किडनी को बिलकुल साफ़ | kidney ki safa...

    #Bakingsoda gives you relief from kidney stone problems. Along with this, i...

    • nehakarma

    इस सब्जी का जूस पियो किडनी फेल नहीं होगी | Best Diet Ju...

    Hello welcome to our youtube channel kidney treatment without dialysis, Whe...

    • nehakarma

    क्या 1.8 क्रिएटिनिन पर किडनी फेल हो जाती है? | How much...

    In this video, we will share information about which level of #creatinine i...

    • nehakarma

    ये गुणकारी फल करेगा किडनी तंदरुस्त | kidney rogi ka die...

    The consumption of cranberries is considered very beneficial for your healt...

    • nehakarma

    kidni kaha hoti hai in hindi | kidney treatment in ayur...

    Where is the kidney, and what is its function? The kidney is a vital part...

    • nehakarma

    🍓🍇🍒सर्दी में ये फल जरूर खाये किडनी रोगी 🍉🍍🥭 | Bes...

    5 Best Fruits for Kidney Patients are: - 1. Apple 2. Red Grapes 3. Cranberr...

    • nehakarma