
Tag: kidney diet

kidney rogi ko kya khana chahiye | क्या मूंगफली खा सकते...

Hello, welcome to our YouTube channel, kidney treatment without dialysis, w...

  • nehakarma

1 चुटकी किडनी फेल से बचाएगी इस मसाले की Hing ke fayde |...

Today we will inform you about some benefits of asafoetida in our channel k...

  • nehakarma

इसअंगूर से किडनी रोग रहेगा दूर | Grapes Fruit for Kidne...

Hello, welcome to our youtube channel, kidney treatment without dialysis, w...

  • nehakarma

सबसे अच्छा फल किडनी रोगियों के लिए | Best Fruit for Kid...

Today we will give you information about such a fruit that helps keep your...

  • nehakarma

पनीर जैसा दिखने वाला TOFU किडनी के लिए वरदान | Benefits...

Today we will inform you in our channel kidney treatment without dialysis w...

  • nehakarma

ये डाइट खाने से होगी किडनी फेल ठीक | Diet for Kidney Pa...

Today we will tell you what foods you can take into your diet in order to a...

  • nehakarma

LOW सोडियम डाइट किडनी रोगी जरूर खाये | Karma Ayurveda K...

Hello and welcome to our channel kidney treatment without dialysis, where w...

  • nehakarma

LOW SODIUM DIET किडनी रोगी के लिए | kidney rogi ko kya...

Today in this video, we will tell you about a low sodium diet. Most peopl...

  • nehakarma

ये 4 हरी सब्ज़िया जरूर खाये किडनी रोगी | Best Green Vege...

Hello and welcome to our channel kidney treatment without dialysis, where w...

  • nehakarma

ये 5 सब्जियाँ दुश्मन है किडनी रोगी की | Avoid These Veg...

Kidney patients have to avoid many things in their diet; they are completel...

  • nehakarma

Kidney Cure Without Dialysis - No Dialysis And No Trans...

Don’t let the most important life decision get determined by the outcome of...

  • KarmaAyurveda

पत्ता गोभी से करे किडनी साफ़ | Benefits of Cabbage for K...

Hello and welcome to our YouTube channel, "kidney treatment without dialysi...

  • nehakarma

सेहत का खजाना खजूर क्यों ना खाये किडनी रोगी | Dry Fruit...

Dates are sweet, which are very tasty to eat, and have many properties that...

  • nehakarma