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Addiction treatment is not one-size-fits-all. Treatments may vary based on your needs. You can choose the treatment that works best for you based on the substance you're abusing, the level of care you need, your personal mental health needs, or what health care options you can afford. Here are some of the most common addiction treatments that have set patients on a successful path to recovery.

Opioid addiction is a serious problem in the United States. An estimated 2 million people are addicted to prescription pain medications, and nearly 80% of heroin users started by misusing prescription drugs. Unfortunately, there's still a stigma attached to Drug Abuse Treatment Centers that make it hard for many people to seek help. That's why American Rehab Care is here. Our team at Opioid Addiction Treatment Center wants everyone who needs help with opiate addiction to get all the support they need without judgment or shame. We have years of experience helping patients overcome their addictions and live healthier lives free from substance abuse issues. At OATC, we offer two different types of Medication-Assisted Treatment Programs for opiate addiction recovery.