Diabetes in Children
I understand it’s really painful for the parents when they come to know their child is diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes.

I understand it’s really painful for the parents when they come to know their child is diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. There is no cure for this disease but it can be managed if proper care is taken. I had seen many children who manage their Diabetes very well and live normal life.

In this condition, the body does not produce enough insulin or any insulin at all.

This is what happens in Type 1 Diabetes

The first stomach changes food into glucose or sugar to provide energy. Then glucose enters the bloodstream with the help of insulin. When the pancreas makes little glucose builds up in the bloodstream. Which results in Hyperglycemia.

How Type 1 Diabetes is Different from Type 2 Diabetes

 Type 1 Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes
Autoimmune Disease Metabolic Disorder
Symptoms develop in early life and they can’t be cured Symptoms develop slower and later in life. It can even be reversed.
Need insulin to regulate blood sugar level   Can be managed through medication  
Are at risk of developing a coma Are at risk of developing Heart Attack, Kidney disease

Note –Both can be effectively managed with proper lifestyle and Diet.

There is basic 3 cause of Type 1 Diabetes

Genetics- The risk of developing this condition is increased by certain variants of the genes. These genes provide instructions for making proteins that play a critical role in the immune system.

Autoimmune Response-The Body Autoimmune system starts to attack its part. In this condition, the body destructs the insulin-producing capacity of the pancreas.

Viral infections: Researchers have found that certain viruses may trigger the development of type 1 diabetes by causing the immune system to turn against the body instead of helping it fight infection and sickness.

So what could be the treatment for type 1 diabetes?

Treatment for type 1 diabetes includes:

  • Monitoring blood sugar often
  • Healthy Eating
  • Counting carbohydrates
  • Exercising regularly and keeping a healthy weight

Monitoring blood sugar often

Glucose or sugar in your child's blood must be checked throughout the day and at bedtime. Blood sugar is checked with the help of a Glucometer. Keep in mind that is very important to check the blood sugar level before bedtime because it is the longest period when your child goes without eating. It helps you to determine will your child needs snacks before going to the bed. This help avoids sudden drop in blood sugar which can be very dangerous.

Healthy Eating

Nutrition is extremely important for everyone, especially for the person diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. There is no any Universal diet for type 1 Diabetes. It keeps on changing as per the requirements of the individual. So it's better to be on regular monitor of your diet. Your Dietitian will provide you with the number of meals that should be taken.

Carbohydrate Counting

Carbohydrate counting involves the number of grams of carbohydrates present in each meal and matching it to their dose of insulin. Carbohydrate counting helps with good blood sugar control. It also helps to determine the amount of insulin to be given with meals and snacks.

Exercising regularly

Exercising regularly helps to improve insulin sensitivity which means it has a greater effect on lowering blood sugar. It is recommended to exercise 30 to 60 minutes daily. Healthy snacks must be taken before doing the exercise to avoid low blood sugar during exercise.

Strenuous activity can cause your blood sugar to drop. This can lead to low blood sugar, which is called hypoglycemia. Intense bouts of exercise can also cause your blood sugar to rise. If it rises above normal levels, it's known as hyperglycemia. So exercise should be done in moderation.

Basic Dietary Instruction

These are the basic diet instruction that I share with my Type 1 Diabetes patient

Chromium- Chromium had been shown to greatly improve insulin sensitivity.

Vitamin E- It not only improves antioxidant defences but also seems to help the body with the problem of insulin resistance.

Magnesium- Magnesium deficit had been associated with Type 1 Diabetes as well as an increased risk of retinopathy. Studies show that when magnesium is taken in sufficient quantity improves insulin function significantly

Vanadium-It is not a well-known mineral, but it is very important for diabetics.

Lifestyle Changes Spelled out

What many people don't realize is how simple the lifestyle changes are for treating the primary underlying problem of insulin resistance. I am talking about modest exercise, eating in such a manner as not to spike the blood sugar, stress-free life. When you combine all three of these changes the results are phenomenal.
