Ethics 101 for the Nutrition and Dietetics Practitioner | eMedEvents
Ethics 101 for the Nutrition and Dietetics Practitioner is organized by Dietitian Central

Ethics 101 for the Nutrition and Dietetics Practitioner | eMedEvents

All nutrition and dietetic practitioners are required to Complete a minimum of one CPEU in ethics during each 5-year recertification cycle. In addition to being a required topic for continuing education, it is a topic that is frequently encountered in practice. From professional boundaries to end of life care to social media.. the need for ethical decision making is everywhere. This course will provide a deep dive into ethics by definition, ethics terminology, ethics in dietetics, putting ethics into perspective, and will provide an overview of how to practically apply the information you learn. The goal of this course isn't just to provide another course on ethics, but to provide you the tools to better your practice and contribution to the profession.