Endothelial glycocalyx, the transparent shield that covers all blood vessels, can become damaged over time due to a variety of factors, including stress, poor diet, inactivity, genetics, and other factors.
Microvascular Health Solutions | Glycocalyx: An Invisible Shield Clinically Shown to Protect Health - Microvascular
With harm, crucial organs are famished on the grounds that conveyance of supplements, chemicals, and oxygen is impeded and the purifying of waste and carbon dioxide from organs becomes compromised. Early warning signs of glycocalyx and vascular damage are sent by the body. Endocalyx ProTM restores, regenerates, and protects the endothelial glycocalyx, as evidenced by dozens of peer-reviewed studies linking endothelial glycocalyx damage to numerous conditions and diseases.
Our Microvascular supplement improves Glycocalyx Health effectively. Endocalyx™ has been clinically shown to maintain blood flow circulation. Shop online now!