BUIS e-cigarettes
Public health officials have been working hard to raise awareness of switching to BUIS e-cigarettes and the risks associated with smoking. Today, many young boys and girls are addicted to smoking regardless of the harm it can cause at such a young age.

Are BUIS e-cigarettes safe?

Public health officials have been working hard to raise awareness of switching to BUIS e-cigarettes and the risks associated with smoking. Today, many young boys and girls are addicted to smoking regardless of the harm it can cause at such a young age.

Currently, millions of people around the world are addicted to these traditional combustible cigarettes, increasing their risk of cancer, heart and lung disease. E-cigarettes are nearly twice as successful as other methods in helping smokers quit smoking and improving health outcomes, according to a new study. However, many people are unaware of the vaping option and unaware of its benefits.

According to a 2016 study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, even current smokers believe BUIS e-cigarettes are as equal or more harmful than traditional cigarettes, a misconception that may prevent many of them from switching to more toxic cigarettes. Low BUIS e-cigarette products.

  • Misled by e-cigarettes

Still, a staggering 79 percent of McLaughlin survey respondents believe nicotine is the cause of cancer and other cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases. Another 12% are undecided. Only 9% of respondents knew the right answer: Nicotine is not associated with cancer, heart disease or lung disease.

The FDA currently allows three alternative nicotine delivery systems — gum, lozenges, and patches — to help quit regular cigarettes. However, BUIS e-cigarettes are more helpful than patches and gum in helping people quit regular cigarettes, according to a new study in the UK.

  • Positives for BUIS e-cigarettes

Public health officials should consider how to prevent teens from engaging in habit-forming behaviors, but they should not mislead the public about using traditional cigarettes and by calling teen vaping an epidemic or using it as an excuse to ignore the potential of vaping to reduce adult smokers. Significantly improve world health.

In an ideal world, no one would smoke, eat junk food, have unprotected sex, drink alcohol, or stay up late. However, politicians and public health authorities have long understood that rather than hoping for an end to the vice, it is better to educate about the risks and mitigate the problems associated with them. Now is not the time to abandon this principle.

For more information, read our other blog Why you should introduce BUIS in your life