Inspirational Story about Beat Depression – Just Walk Away
Just when she was about to give up, she unexpectedly found a way out. A way to beat depression.

Amanda’s Inspirational story about depression

To beat depression, “Sometimes You Need to Lose Yourself Before You Find It”. That was the case for Amanda McCarthy, a young mother, who was diagnosed with BI-Polar disorder and learned her baby was autistic. As a result, she struggled with severe depression issues and was even hospitalized. Maybe you can relate to her symptoms or know someone who struggles with them as well. Anxiety and Depression Association of America

Discovering a way out

Just when she was about to give up, she unexpectedly found a way out. A way to beat depression. One day when life became too much she found herself walking and walking and walking. As a result, her feet just took over. There was something about the quiet and finding her own rhythm, letting her feet take control. Being able to clear her mind and take time away from all the pressures and stress of her daily life. Walking allowed Amanda to use her weaknesses and struggles as a ladder to climb out of depression issues, day by day.

Helping others find a way to beat depression


Amanda wanted to share this experience and inspirational story with others who needed to get away from the city sounds and humdrum and explore who they are, with no one watching – be vulnerable. She found hiking with others who struggle with similar issues made the climb even more successful. So Amanda formed a midwestern hiking group. She organizes hiking trips for anyone interested. Thus Urban Nerd Herd was formed.  So, in April of 2017 Amanda tackled her depression “one hike at a time”.