7 Self-Management Tips for Your Remote Employees
Remote work has become increasingly popular in recent years, as more and more companies are taking advantage of the flexibility and cost savings that come with it.

Remote work has become increasingly popular in recent years, as more and more companies are taking advantage of the flexibility and cost savings that come with it. However, for remote employees to stay productive and successful, they must be able to manage themselves effectively. To help your remote employees do just that, we’ve compiled a list of 7 employee self management tips. These tips will help your remote employees stay organized, motivated, and productive while working from home. Read on to learn more about these essential self management tips and how they can help your remote employees succeed.

1) Create a Schedule and Stick to It

One of the best tips for self management is to create a schedule and stick to it. Working remotely can make it difficult to stay on track, but having a set plan and structure can help keep remote employees on track. Having a schedule in place can also help establish routine and consistency, which can make it easier to accomplish goals and tasks.

When creating a schedule, be sure to consider your team’s individual needs and preferences. Ask your team members what times of day they are most productive and what tasks they prefer to do when. Also, don’t forget to allow for breaks throughout the day for lunch or just to step away from the computer. Scheduling in breaks can help refresh employees’ minds and help them remain productive for the rest of their workday.

Once you have your schedule created, make sure to follow it! This may require some discipline and motivation, but it will pay off in the end. Following the schedule will help your remote employees stay organized and on top of their tasks, making it easier for them to complete projects on time. Self-management techniques such as creating a schedule and sticking to it are essential for success in a remote environment.

2) Set Goals and Deadlines

Having clear goals and deadlines are essential when it comes to self-management. Goals give your remote employees something to strive for and serve as a motivation for them to stay on track. To set effective goals, make sure that they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound (SMART). Also, be sure to assign deadlines to each goal so that your remote employees can track their progress. Additionally, it is important to provide feedback so that your remote employees can adjust their goals if needed. By following these tips for self-management, your remote employees will have the structure and guidance needed to stay on track and complete their tasks efficiently.

3) Manage Your Time

Time management is essential for remote employees to stay productive and reach their goals. Employees should set specific goals for each day and create a schedule to achieve them. This helps to maintain focus, reduce distractions, and prioritize tasks.

It’s also helpful to use  employee monitoring software to track progress and measure productivity. This can help remote employees stay on task and hold themselves accountable. Additionally, you can use this software to spot any potential issues with workflow or identify areas of improvement.

To stay organized, remote employees should also set aside time for completing administrative tasks, such as emails and data entry. This helps ensure that they don’t fall behind on important projects. By managing their time wisely, remote employees can remain productive and efficient.

4) Communicate Regularly

Communication is key to successful self-management, especially for remote employees. It's important to establish a clear and consistent line of communication to ensure everyone stays on the same page. Here are some tips for self-management techniques that will help your remote employees stay connected:

• Schedule regular check-ins with each remote employee on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. This allows you to stay up to date on their progress and provide any feedback they may need.

• Utilize video conferencing as often as possible. Having face-to-face meetings with your remote employees helps maintain relationships and build trust.

• Encourage open communication between remote employees and other team members. This can be done through messaging applications, emails, or even online forums.

• Make sure that all communication is clearly documented so that no one is left in the dark about any changes or updates. 

These tips for self-management techniques will help your remote employees stay connected, even when they're not physically in the office. By taking the time to communicate regularly, you'll ensure that all remote employees are staying on track and working towards their goals.

5) Take Breaks

When it comes to remote jobs, it’s important to make sure that you take regular breaks. Working remotely can be stressful and overwhelming, and it’s easy to forget to take a break when there is no one around to remind you. Taking a few minutes throughout the day to stretch your legs, grab a snack, or simply step away from your computer can help improve focus, productivity, and overall wellbeing. Breaks should be short, but regular and frequent, such as taking a five-minute break every hour. This allows you to stay refreshed and focused throughout the day, so you can perform your best in your remote job.

6) Keep a Positive Attitude

One of the most important tips for self-management when working remotely is to maintain a positive attitude. Remote work can often be isolating and it’s easy to become overwhelmed with the challenges that come with managing yourself. Being able to take a step back and recognize what you have accomplished can help you stay motivated and on track.

Start each day by reflecting on your successes and set small goals that are achievable. Celebrate your accomplishments and don’t forget to reward yourself when you meet those goals! Connecting with colleagues and friends, even virtually, can also help boost morale and give you a sense of camaraderie.

It’s also important to learn to accept failure. Mistakes are inevitable in any job and having the ability to quickly recover and move forward will help you stay productive. Don’t let yourself get bogged down by mistakes or failures – focus on the progress you’re making and learn from the experience.

Keeping a positive attitude is an essential part of self-management for remote workers. By maintaining an optimistic mindset and recognizing the successes you make, you can stay on track and find success in your remote role.

7) Seek Help When Needed

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try to stay on track with self-management techniques, you may still find yourself in a difficult situation. In these cases, it is important to seek help when needed. Don’t be afraid to ask for assistance from your team, manager or any other resources available. Your manager or team may be able to provide tips for self-management or provide additional guidance to help you get back on track. Additionally, there are several resources available online that can provide useful self-management techniques. Keeping an open mind and actively seeking assistance will help ensure that you are successful with remote work.


Self-management is an important skill for remote employees to have in order to stay productive and on track. By creating a schedule, setting goals and deadlines, managing time, communicating regularly, taking breaks, and keeping a positive attitude, remote employees can practice effective self-management techniques that will help them stay organized and productive. Additionally, it’s important for remote employees to seek help from managers or colleagues when needed in order to be successful. By following these tips for self-management, remote employees can ensure that their work is completed efficiently and to the best of their ability.