Lawyer Naji Al-Osaimi's office
Advantages of making inquiries about cases electronically
There are many benefits that the Najis electronic portal provides to the Saudi citizen through electronic services, as it provides:
Carrying out an inquiry about cases using the ID number without the need to go to the court or the judicial department, which saves money and effort.
It also enables you to save time as you will no longer need to wait for long periods in crowded places.
Providing the service to all citizens and residents of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia alike.
Inquiry about the status of a case by name
It is important to know the status of the case and we will show you how to inquire about cases and follow up on the status of the case from the Ministry of Justice website:
Go to the special page of the Ministry of Justice.
Then click on the word electronic services and then on the word application status.
We write some data that will appear in front of us, such as identification number, case type and other personal data.
Then click on View Status.
Lawyer Naji Al-Osaimi's office
In order to submit a request to inquire about cases on the Ministry of Justice website, there are a number of electronic steps that were previously mentioned in this article, but the office of attorney Naji Al-Osaimi offers you this service and other legal services, and provides you with the possibility to inquire about various cases and legal advice on various types Cases, contact the office now.